Since their creation, the pictures have very rarely left the country, and this is the first time such a large number of them have been sent on a journey. They were farewelled with traditional blessings and ceremonies from the museums in Auckland and Wellington and received by a Māori delegation in the Alte Nationalgalerie. It is only by being accompanied spiritually and personally that the works' cultural safety is assured, and they are prepared for viewing by visitors to the exhibition.
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Contemporary Māori live in different cultural circumstances compared to our ancestors depicted in the nineteenth-century by Bohemian artist Gottfried Lindauer (1839-1926); and we are the proud modern descendants of that past.
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Tastefully bound in shiny green leather, the two imposing ledgers sat side by side on a table in the gallery that opened in Queen Street in 1901.
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The role of a researcher is to listen, observe and be flexible at all times. The purpose of research is to seek, unfold and piece together parts of a story missing from your version or account.
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Haere he whārangi, haere he whārangi, ko te whakamīharo, ko te whakamihi, ko te aroha, ko te tangi ngā karearoto i pupū ake i te hunga i tae ake ki te mātakitaki i te whakakitenga a Lindauer i te tīmatanga o tērā rau tau.
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For Māori, the paintings of Gottfried Lindauer and his contemporaries Charles F. Goldie and Thomas (Darby) Ryan, are taonga tuku iho, treasures of an earlier time.
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When we were approached by AWA Films about a documentary series in July 2011, we recognised an opportunity that hadn't come our way before.
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The creation of Whakamīharo Lindauer Online is a long and rich story in itself. It involved both institutional commitment and the support and enthusiasm of the wider community.
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Many people were involved in producing this website over the last few years. We would like to thank everyone who gave their time and energy. On this page you can read about the core team of people who dedicated their time to the creation of Whakamīharo Lindauer Online.
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